Az itt felsorolt kurzusok és szemináriumok általában minden évben meghirdetésre kerülnek, azonban az aktuális év tanmenetéről érdemes mindig az adott egyetemtől érdeklődni!
Graduális és posztgraduális kurzusok
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE)
- Algebraical field theory I-II. (Vecsernyés P)
- Cognitive neuroscience. (Négyessy L., Budapest Semesters in Cognitive Sciences)
- Electrodeposition of metals (Péter L)
- Experimental methods of structure determination II. (Temleitner L)
- Integrable field theories ( Z. Bajnok)
- Integrable methods in gauge/gravity duality II (Z. Bajnok)
- Introduction to general relativity theory (M. Vasúth)
- Introduction to gravitation theory and high energy physics (Barnaföldi GG and Vasúth M)
- Investigation of the inner structure of compact stars (Barnaföldi GG)
- Low-temperature plasma physics (Donkó Z)
- Macromolecules (Pekker S)
- Nanophase metals (Bakonyi I)
- Neural system modelling (Orbán G)
- Neuroinformatics (Négyessy L.)
- Nuclear solid-state physics I-II (Nagy DL)
- Optics and relativity theory (Cserti J, Dávid Gy, Varga D)
- Physics of liquid crystals (Buka Á, Éber N)
- Physics of the Solar System (Németh Z)
- Raman-spectroscopy in geological sciences (Váczi T)
- Selected chapters on the theory of compact stars (Barnaföldi GG)
- Scientific programming for graphics processors I-II (Berényi D, Nagy-Egri MF)
- Selected topics in experimental high energy physics (Siklér F, Vértesi R)
- Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules (Pekker Á)
- Statistic learning in the neural system (Bányai M, Orbán G, Nagy DG)
- Statistical models of brain function (Bányai M, BSCS)
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME)
- Applied thermodynamics (Kovács R)
- Coherent control of quantum systems (Kis Zs)
- Electronics and measurement technics (Baranyai P)
- Engineering thermodynamics II (Kovács R)
- Experimental nuclear physics (guest talker: Vértesi R)
- Fusion plasma physics (Veres G)
- Fusion devices (Veres G)
- Fusion devices (Pokol G)
- Infrared and Raman-spectroscopy (Kamarás K)
- Interacting spin systems in real materials (Penc Karlo)
- Introduction to fusion plasma physics (Pokol G, Zoletnik S)
- Introduction to irreversible thermodynamics (Ván P)
- Introduction to theoretical plasma physics (Bencze A)
- Investigation techniques for materials science (Keszthelyi T)
- Low-temperature plasma physics (Donkó Z)
- Magnetohydrodynamics in low dimensional systems, (Bencze A)
- Mass serving (Telcs A)
- Mechanics I-II (Virosztek A)
- Modelling higher-level brain functions (Bányai M, Orbán G, Nagy DG)
- Modern nuclear energy (Pokol G)
- Modern physics for chemical engineers (Asbóth J)
- Modern solid-state physics (Virosztek A)
- Nuclear physics (Pokol G, guest lecturer)
- Numeric heat transport (Kovács R)
- Numerical simulations of caloric machines (Kovács R)
- Optical spectroscopy in the materials sciences (Kamarás K.)
- Quantuminformatics (Zimbrás Z)
- Theoretical solid state physics (Virosztek A)
- Theory of magnetism I-II (Virosztek A)
- Topological insulators (Asbóth J)
- Variational methods in the basic laws of physics (Biró TS)
- X-ray spectroscopies in structure research (Z. Németh, guest lecturer)
- Biorobotics (Laczkó J)
- Femtosecond Laser Physics (Lovász B)
- Guidance and control technology (Laczkó J)
- Modelling heavy-ion reactions (Wolf Gy)
- Modern physics (Somlai L)
- Open quantum systems (Ádám P)
- Probability theory (Ádám P)
- Properties of dense, strongly interacting matter (Wolf Gy)
- Quantum informatics I-II (Ádám P)
- Quantum informatics with quantumoptical tools 2 (Kiss T)
- Quantum optics I-II., (Ádám P)
- Statistical physics (Szlachányi K)
- Theoretical mechanics (Szlachányi K)
- Nuclear and particle physics (Fehér L)
- Integrable systems, Lie-groups and representations (Fehér L)
- Introduction to the world of laser plasmas (Földes I)
- Introduction to statistical physics (Iglói F)
- Statistical physics (Iglói F)
- Applied statistical physics (Iglói F)
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
- Neurophysiological data analysis (Z. Somogyvári)
- Neuromorph movement control (Laczkó J)
- Neuoromorph movement control. (Laczkó J)
- Research methods in sociology, (File B)
- Webmining (File B)
Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, Eger
- Statistics I-II (Kasza G)
- Neuroinformatics (Bányai M)
- Chemistry and physics of polymers (S. Pekker)
- Econometry II. (Telcs A)
- Particle physics I-II (Horváth D)
- Structure and experimental test of the Standard Model I-II (Horváth D)
- Biophysics (Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, both in Hungarian and in English, two courses)
Gyakrolatok és szemináriumok
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE)
- Advanced nuclear physics lab (Varga D, Hamar G)
- Biophysics lab - Raman spectroscopy (Veres M, Rigó I)
- Environmental radiations lab (ERD, Galgóczi G)
- Informatic tools of research work, (Bíró G, Nagy-Egri M.F)
- Liquid crystal laboratory practice (Buka Á, Éber N, Salamon P, Tóth Katona T)
- Nuclear element analytical measurements advanced laboratory practice for 3 persons (Szilágyi E)
- Particle and nuclear physics laboratory / Investigating magnetohydrodynamics waves (Timár A)
- Particle, nuclear and astrophysics lab (Varga-Kőfaragó M, Vértesi R)
- PIXE, advanced level laboratory practice for 3 persons (Kovács I)
- Probability theory and statistics (Kornyik M)
- Probability theory (Kornyik M)
- Supramolecular structure examination lab (Temleitner L)
- X-ray spectroscopy practice (Németh Z)
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME)
- Advanced physics laboratory (Nyitrai G)
- Applied thermodynamics (Kovács R)
- Chemical materials structure laboratory practice (Baranyai P., BME)
- Cognitive sciences doctoral school (Török B)
- Experimental methods in materials science - Raman spectroscopy (Veres M)
- Infrared and Raman-spectroscopy lab (Kamarás K)
- Nuclear and neutron physics practice (Nyitrai G)
- Nuclear fuel cycle (Fábián M)
- Photonics laboratory – Raman-spectroscopy (Veres M, Rigó I)
- Physical chemistry practice I-II (Baranyai P)
- Physics lab (Bánhegyi B)
- Remote measurement on the GOLEM tokamak (Pokol G)
- Technical mechatronics (Ván P)
- Technological thermodynamics II (Kovács R, in Hungarian and in English)
- Thermal and flow dynamics of mechatronical parts (Kovács R)
- Thermodynamics and heat transport (Kovács R)
- Thermodynamics practice for mechatronics (Ván P)
Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, Eger
- Statistics I-II. (Kasza Gábor)
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
- Webmining (B. File)
- Neuromorph movement control (L. Botzheim)
- Particle physics practice I-II. (Horváth D)
- Structure and experimental verification of the Standard Model I-II. practice (Horváth D)
- Biorobotics (J. Laczkó, PTE TTK)
- Guidance and control technology (L. Botzheim, PTE TTK)
- Mathematical methods in physics IV. (Ádám P)
- Neurobiorobotic programming (Laczkó József, PTE, TTK)
- Probability theory (Ádám P)
- Statistical physics practice (Szlachányi K)
- Theoretical mechanics practice (Szlachányi K)