Előadó: Jean-Marie Le Goff (CERN)
Társelőadók: Agócs Ádám és Forster Richárd
Cím: The vision and concepts modus operandi of the Collaboration Spotting project
Időpont: Augusztus 12 (péntek) 10.00 -
Hely: MTA Wigner FK, 3. épület, RMI Tanácsterem
Bővebb információk:
"The analysis of large graphs plays a prominent role in various fields of research and is relevant in many important application areas. Effective visual analysis of graphs requires appropriate visual presentations in combination with respective user interaction facilities and algorithmic graph analysis methods." [Landesberger]
The CERN Collaboration Spotting project is developing a suite of tools that aims at providing users with an environment that addresses the above issues. The software can address any kind of data sources. The multi-dimensional network of data under analysis is stored in a graph database and user interactions and visualization are all based on on-line computation of interactive graphs. Such a software must be very responsive, irrespective of the size of the dataset being addressed. This calls for a lot of computing power and performance strategy for the two main components of the software - The graph DB and the on-line graph processing - specially when servicing concurrently many interactive users. The concepts and features of the project illustrated by examples using publication and patent datasets, and LHCb data processing data will be presented and discussed.
2 ráadás előadás specialistáktól specialistáknak (Péntek 11.15-12.30-ig)
1) Ádám Agócs will present the graph database supporting user interactions, including optimisation issues and strategies used to service the users at best.
2) Richárd Forster will present the on-line graph processing backend including optimalization issues and strategies used to service the users at best.
[Landesberger]: Visual Analysis of large graphs: State-of-the-art and future research challenges. T. Landesberger et al. Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley, 2011, 30 (6), pp. 1719-1749
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