Workshop on Exploring Future Opportunities in Science and Innovation at BNC
Időpont: 2017. november 10. péntek de. 09:00 óra
Helyszín: MTA Wigner FK XIX.ép. Tanácsterem
9:00 Welcome: Rózsa Baranyai
User applications
9:10 Ana-Maria Putz: SANS characterization of organically functionalized mesoporous silica for drug delivery application
9:30 Kiril Krezhov: Crystal structure of mixed sodium cobalt-manganese sulphate
9:50 József Kalmár: Solvation induced structural changes in mesoporous hybrid aerogels
First results on FSANS
10:10 Katalin Bajnok, Adél Len, János Füzi, László Rosta: Determination of firing temperature of pottery wares by Small Angle Neutron Scattering
How to keep alive and train the neutron user community
10:30 Adél Len: New strategy for SINE2020 supported neutron schools
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
Neutrons for Industry
11:30 László Rosta: What BNC can offer for industry
11:50 Péter Henits (Audi Hungary): Materials Research for Quality Management in Automotive Industry
12:10 Metal foams in Industry (Bratislava)
What can offer other neutron centers for industry
12:30 M. V. Avdeev (FLNP JINR, Dubna): Research for industrial applications at IBR-2 pulsed reactor
Closing remark
13:00 -14:00 Lunch Break (sandwiches, soft drinks and coffee)
Open Session of the ISAC meeting
14:00 V.L. Aksenov (JINR Dubna): 20-year forward look at neutron facilities at Dubna
14:40 Sándor Tóth (PSI): The study of magnetoelastic waves via inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering to be confirmed
15:15 István Fórizs (GeoChem) Late Roman Silver-smithing (The Seuso Treasure) - TBC
15:45 Optional visit to the Neutron Guide Hall
16:30 Selection Panel Meeting (closed meeting)