"Modern Meson Spectroscopy - Models & Lattice vs. Experiment"
by George Rupp (Lisbon University)
Friday, October 13th, 2017 from 14:00 to 15:00 (Europe/Budapest)
at KFKI campus ( Bldg.3. Meeting Room )
Meson spectra can provide essential information on low-energy QCD, in particular about the confinement and decay mechanisms. However, the very decay processes, be they real or virtual, may distort the spectra via sizeable and non-uniform mass shifts. Therefore, modern approaches account for quark-antiquark creation and annihilation, as well as S-matrix unitarity and analyticity of mesonic final states. The present talk will thus focus on unitarised quark models and recent lattice results for meson resonances, in confrontation with experiment.