Előadó: Antoine Tilloy (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching)
Előadás címe: Relativistic state vector collapse as an interpretation of QFT
Helyeszín: MTA Wigner FK RMI III.ép. Tanácsterem
Időpont: 2017. február 17. péntek du. 14:00 óra
Bővebb információk:
Collapse models have been suggested as a possible way out of the measurement problem and have gained a lot of interest recently. Their idea is to slightly modify Schrödinger's equation to collapse macroscopic superpositions out, without changing microscopic dynamics too much. I will show how this program can be carried out in the context of QFT in a surprisingly appealing way. In this setting, one obtains a statistical field theory which yields the same predictions as QFT. I will discuss the implications both for our understanding of QFT and for the phenomenology of non-relativistic collapse models.